Hiring & Onboarding
All companies want to give their employees a flawless first day. You can achieve this goal with our onboarding and hiring features through Ease. How many HR forms does an employee have to print their name and information on? One system to enter on boarding and benefits information cuts down the time it takes an employee to onboard, provides a central location for HR to find information about any employee, and reduces paperwork for all parties involved. We provide this service at no cost to you.
HR can email offer letters directly from the software and record digital acceptance quickly and efficiently.
Applicants can accept and e-sign their offer letters and view their benefits.
If your company wishes, you can prompt employees to start the on boarding and enrollment process as soon as they accept the offer. This way, an employee can show up on their first day of work having completed onboarding and benefits enrollment.
Onboarding Demo Video
The on boarding process is seamless and all completed online, similar to benefits enrollment:
Each employee will complete their profile and enter personal information necessary for online enrollment.
Employers and HR admins can use the rules-based system to ensure completed and signed W-4 information, I-9 forms, and direct deposit information, and store it securely in the cloud. you can also send and upload any company on boarding documents for new hires to review online, such as a handbook, either with the offer letter or during the on boarding process.
The custom documents feature lets you do more than create and send offer letters. Employers and HR admins can create templates with dynamic fields for personalized documents that are repeatedly crested, sent, and require signatures.